ALA experts participated in ToT on Whistleblower Protection

The Training of Trainers (ToT) for non-governmental organizations on international standards and practices for whistleblowing protection took place in Tsaghkadzor, on 27-28 June. The training, held within the framework of the nationwide awareness program on communication activities of the Whistle-Blowing System was specifically designed for representatives of non-governmental organizations (CSOs/NGOs) in Armenia, aiming to further engage them in capacity development and awareness-raising activities in the field of whistleblowing protection.
The primary objective of the project is to facilitate comprehensive discussions among CSO/NGO representatives involved in the implementation of whistleblower protection laws. Participants explored international best practices and discussed strategies to foster a culture that encourages whistleblowing. The event aimed to enhance whistleblower protection and promote transparency and accountability within institutions.
The event brought together representatives from Armenian civil society organizations and the Ministry of Justice, and was facilitated by a consultant from the Council of Europe.
Mariam Zadoyan and Suzanna Soghomyan, experts of Armenian Lawyers’ Association, were also among the participants.
This training is part of the Council of Europe’s project, “Enhancing National Capacities for Effective Prevention and Fight against Economic Crime in Armenia.” The project is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe within the framework of the Partnership for Good Governance (PGG III).
Photo from CoE