Introduction of a Revolutionary Innovative Platform will be the Foundation for Further Progress in the Development of Whistleblowers’ Institute

Yesterday, the Minister-Chief of Government Staff David Harutyunyan received the representatives of the organizations implementing the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project.

The project is implemented by the Union of Information Technology Enterprises (UITE), Armenian Lawyers’ Association (ALA) and European Business Association (EBA) with financial support of the German International Cooperation (GIZ).

Mr. Karen Zadoyan, the President of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association NGO presented the main components of the program: improvement of business programs through the protection of SME rights by application of the modern technologies to identify the problems in the business sphere and provide their solutions through the dialogue with the government.

But the most important objective of the project is the creation of the institute for the whistleblowers’ protection, who report about corruption crimes in business sphere. This, in future, will serve as an important platform not only in case of identification of corruption crimes in the business sector, but in identification of all types of the corruption crimes in common.

Karen Zadoyan noted that negotiations are already underway with an Italian organization for the creation of the platform. Its successful experience should be used when introducing technologies to ensure the confidentiality of information of the reporting persons.

David Harutyunyan, highlighted the introduction of the institute for the whistleblowers’ protection and said that the idea in essence is acceptable. There are already steps taken by the government in this direction. In particular, at the meeting of the Anti-Corruption Council which took plce last week, Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan instructed the Minister-Chief of Government Staff and the RA Minister of Justice to undertake steps aimed at introduction of the mechanisms for the protection of whistleblowers and ensuring technical support for the anonymous electronic platform, including presenting the “Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers” to the Government as soon as possible.

Ms Mariam Babayan, representative of German International Cooperation organization said that they expects that the platform created within the framework of this program would be sustainable and stay applicable after the end of the project as well. In response, David Harutyunyan noted that this case is more stable and provides long-term sustainability, as the adoption of the corresponding law, and the steps for its adoption are performed. In relation with the technological solutions, he said. “We need to create a tool to ensure the safety of these persons.”

According to him, most countries do not invest in these technologies because of two reasons: first, not all countries have so wide social ties that it is difficult to ensure confidentiality, “It is difficult to keep even the state secrets in Armenia”: and the second: these technologies are mainly used for intelligence activities, or by the terrorists and/or other criminals, “We, as a state, want to use this “bad” tool for good purposes.”

Karen Zadoyan added that this is the first time that a state is forming such an innovative platform for the fight against corruption. “This is a very big, revolutionary step in not only for the state but also for our society. And this project shall be fundamental for our future. I expect that there will be a significant step forward for the development of the whistleblowers’ Institute,” Karen Zadoyan said.