Discussion of CSOs and State Structures on the ​​Corruption Prevention Sector of the Anti-Corruption Strategy

“Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO, “Europe of Law” NGO, the Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen of Armenia, in cooperation with the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia, are carrying out the alternative public monitoring of the Actions of the Republic of Armenia Anti-Corruption Strategy and its Implementation Action Plan for 2019-2022 to be performed in 2021.

This, among other things, includes, collecting information on the progress of implementing the Strategy’s Action Plans using qualitative and quantitative methods.

More than three dozen representatives from the monitoring team, non-governmental organizations and state structures, including the Supreme Judicial Council, the Ministry of Justice, the Central Bank, the Civil Service Office, the National Assembly, the Ministry of High-Tech Industry, the Ministry of Finance. the Corruption Prevention Commission, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Anti-Corruption Committee and several political and social organizations attended the discussion organized on 11 April..

The participants discussed the corruption prevention sector within the framework of the Anti-Corruption Strategy. The discussion focused on the implementation of a unified platform for citizens’ applications, complaints, inquiries hotline, increasing the efficiency of ensuring public participation in the process of drafting legal acts, introducing a toolkit to obtain accessible information on the most services provided to citizens by state and local self-government bodies, continuous improvement of the whistleblowing system and on other sectoral issues.

Another similar discussion was held on 10 April, during which the sectors of Public awareness and Anti-Corruption education of the Anti-Corruption Strategy were discussed.