Two Focus Group Discussions on the Judicial Reform Strategy with Representatives of the State and Civil Society Sectors

Today, on 24 January, two focus group discussions on the first objective of the Action Plan stemming from the 2019-2023 Judicial and Legal Reform Strategy were held on the initiative of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association.

The first of the discussions was held with the participation of representatives of State Bodies – the RA Ministry of Justice, the RA Central Bank, as well as the Notary Chamber and the advocacy community.

The second discussion was held among civil society organizations, which was attended by the “Center of Economic Right” NGO, “Elegia” Cultural NGO, “Support for Equal Opportunities Foundation” NGO, “Local Democracy Development and Research Center” NGO, Armenian Young Lawyers Association, Association of Audio-Visual Reporters, “Digital Armenia” NGO, the Armenian UN Association and the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO.

The action plan for the creation of a unified e-justice system based on the Strategy for Judicial and Legal Reform for 2019-2023 and the provision and modernization of electronic databases as part of the monitoring work was discussed with representatives of both the public and non-governmental sectors.