Due to the state of war, the epidemic was pushed to the background

On 20 October 2020, Ms Gayane Gevorgyan, Coordinator of the Shirak Regional Branch of the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO, was hosted at the “Dialogue Media Center”, where the topic “Laws adopted in the framework of the fight against coronavirus in Armenia, legislative changes, decisions of the Government of the Republic of Armenia” was discussed.

During the discussion, they spoke about the indicators of the COVID-19 epidemic in Armenia during the last seven months, the steps taken. Further, reference was made to the policy adopted by the RA Government, as well as the adopted legal acts.

It was assessed that the current laws of the Republic of Armenia were simply not ready to have a state of emergency, to completely settle the issues arising from it.

When asked how the current situation will be assessed, Gayane Gevorgyan answered, “Due to the state of war, the epidemic was pushed to the background, which was the basis for the several-fold increase in the number of people infected with the coronavirus in a few days.”