Anti-corruption education for all

The 6th stream of the Anti-Corruption School for Young Leaders, organized by the Armenian Lawyers’ Association, was full of innovations. One of the differences compared to the previous ones was that the dissemination of the acquired knowledge and exchange of experience was of great importance here.

Thus, each of the 22 students in the advanced stage of the school conducted three awareness seminars. Topics ranged from the concept of corruption, the fight against it to the institute of declaration on property and income, as well as the return of assets. The audience also ranged from schools in villages in the Shirak region to state universities and hospitals. The graduates of the school ensured the involvement of students and young professionals in the program throughout Armenia.

Due to the state of emergency declared in the country, the frequency of seminars was also different. In one case, the graduates chose an online platform that allowed a considerable number of people to be informed about the fight against corruption, without territorial restrictions.
In the other case, the preference was given to face-to-face communication, focusing on the youth of a particular community or institution.

It should be noted that the results of the event are astonishing. In addition to school graduates, those who did not attend the school also received anti-corruption education. The interest was so great that in parallel with the pupils/students, their teachers were educated and informed as well. The vast majority of the participants in the awareness seminars expressed a desire to personally attend the school to be organized in the future, to receive anti-corruption education, to contribute to the fight against corruption.

It should be noted that the project is implemented with the support of the Swedish Government.