More than 50 free legal consultations were provided during the month

In March 2020, the Armenian Lawyers’ Association launched a process of providing free online legal advice on legal issues to the public at large. From 16 March until today, the lawyers of the organization provided more than 1660 answers to the issues of concern of the citizens.

Advice was provided by the ALA Yerevan, as well as regional offices. The coordinators of the Vanadzor, Shirak and Syunik regional offices of the ALA were involved in this work as well.

Thus, the vast majority of questions provided in November concerned conscription, demobilization and the post-war situation. The applications-requests to cover the heroic deeds of the brave Armenian soldiers on the battlefield in special cases were also quite numerous.

In the period of 1 to 30 November, free legal advice was provided to more than 50 legal entities and individuals.

The organization will continue providing free consultations.