The Constructive Dialogue Network of Armenia’s CSOs has made Recommendations for Procurement Reforms

The Constructive Dialogue Network of Armenian CSOs was established last year within the framework of the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project, which was implemented in the period of 2017-2019. The Network brought together and united the efforts of the sectoral coalitions. Thus, within the framework of the Network, the Armenian Lawyers’ Association the CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia, and the Armenian Business Association, collected and compiled a package of proposals, which was sent to the RA Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan.

The proposals, in particular, are aimed at solving the legislative problems in the RA Law on Procurement, other legal acts regulating the procurement sphere. The proposed solutions addressed systemic issues such as the transition to e-procurement processes, the elimination of unfavorable and discriminatory conditions for SMEs, the introduction of a participant rating system in the procurement system, frequent legislative changes in procurement and other related reforms.