Statement of CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia on the RA Draft Law “On Making Amendments to the RA Law on Freedom of Information” approved on the 2 April, 2020 sitting of the RA Government.”

On the 2 April, 2020 sitting, the Government of the Republic of Armenia approved and submitted to the National Assembly in accordance with the established procedure the Draft Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Making Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Armenia on Freedom of Information” (hereinafter referred to as the Draft). The Draft proposes to supplement Article 8 of the RA Law on Freedom of Information, which deals with restrictions on freedom of information, with Part 4, with the following content:

“Providing information on the environment may be denied if it may adversely affect the environment, breeding sites of rare species.”

The Governing Board of the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia issued Statement on 6 April 2020.