Summary of the Public Discussion of the “Draft Law on the Anti-Corruption Committee”, and the Workshop on Public Monitoring of the Work implemented in 2019 in the Scope of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and its Implementation Plan 2019-2022.

On 12 February, 2020, a workshop on Public Discussion of the “Draft Law on the Anti-Corruption Committee”, and the Workshop on Public Monitoring of the Work implemented in 2019 in the Scope of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and its Implementation Plan 2019-2022 was held in Yerevan

The workshop was organized by the Armenian Lawyers’ Association and the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia within the framework of the “ALA for Modernization” Project.

The results of the workshop were summarized, which include the positions presented by the executive, judicial and law enforcement bodies, civil society organizations, the expert community, the representatives of the advocacy community that participated in the workshop and the generalized opinions.

Immediately after the workshop, the Coalition and ALA summed up the proposals made during the workshop on the Draft Law on the Anti-Corruption Committee, which were posted on the joint website on 14 February and submitted to the RA Ministry of Justice.

See the summary of the workshop here (available in Armenian language)