Business Companies received Certificates for the Introduction of Anti-Corruption Policies in their Companies

The “Armenia: Promoting Anti-Corruption Conduct and Reforms” project was launched in Armenia on 1 October, 2019, and is implemented by The “Center for International Private Enterprise” (CIPE), the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO (ALA), the “Corporate Governance Center” (CGC), and the “Yerevan Chamber of Commerce and Industry” (YerCCI). The objective of the project is to fight corruption in the business sector, disseminate corporate governance and ethics rules and values ​​in Armenia, and introduce anti-corruption compliance programs in SMEs.

In the framework of the project business companies participated in one-day training on “Anticorruption Compliance in Business” in 4 regions of Armenia: Lori, Syunik, Gegharkunik, and Shirak, and in the City of Yerevan.

The training was aimed to improve the perception of compliance by the business sector in Armenia and to inform business representatives about its practical application skills, as well as to promote public-private partnerships. At the end of the training, taking into account the specifics of the participating organizations, anti-corruption compliance programs, which should be implemented in businesses, were prepared for the business companies participating in the training. Companies that have adopted anti-corruption policies have committed themselves to take action on the components of the anti-corruption compliance program.