The Meeting of the Governing Board the CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia took place

On 5 December, 2019, the regular meeting of the Governing Council of the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia took place.

Arkady Sahakyan, Chairman of the Coalition Governing Board chaired the meeting. According to the agenda, the applications of the three NGOs applying for membership were discussed and approved. The agenda included the following issues: Presentation of the final version of the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan of CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia; presentation of the Coalition’s web site; and the organizational issues of the event dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9; presentation of the activities of the Board aimed at the development of the Coalition’s membership institute; and presentation of the work of the Coalition on Transitional Justice in Armenia.

Coordinator of the Secretariat of the Coalition Karen Zadoyan noted in his speech that this Strategy, in its classical values, vision and mission, is successful and has clear strategic directions.
As for the work of the Coalition’s Working Committee on the Development of the Coalition’s membership Institute, the Committee has sent written requests to the State Registry and the State Revenue Committee and made adjustments among the members of the Coalition through conducting a written survey using a questionnaire.

As a result of the work carried out by the Coalition Membership Institute Development Committee and presented recommendations, 31 structures were removed from the list of 99 Coalition member CSOs, and after joining of three new members the number of CSOs members of the Coalition became 71.