Artyom Mesropyan, CSO Development Programs Coordinator of the ALA participated in the Meeting with the representatives of the Conference of CoE INGOs “Participation of NGOs in Decision-Making Processes

Mr. Artyom Mesropyan, CSO Development Programs Coordinator of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association, participated in the meeting with the representatives of the CoE Conference of International Non-Governmental Organizations “Participation of NGOs in Decision-Making Processes”.

The INGO (international non-governmental organizations) Conference is CoE institution that is the pillar of civil society in the Council of Europe’s discussions with the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities.

During the meeting participants discussed the different mechanisms, regulations and platforms (existing or new) that exist at national and local levels, which allow NGOs to participate freely in public policy-making, debate and decision-making; the level of the dialogue between state and non-governmental organizations; the stage and the manner these consultations take place; and whether the NGOs’ opinion is taken into account?