Artyom Mesropyan, CSO Development Programs Coordinator of the ALA, participated in a Discussion on the Issues of CSO State Financing and Improvement of the Tax Field

On 12 November, Mr. Artyom Mesropyan, CSO Development Programs Coordinator of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association, participated in the meeting “Prospects for the Improvement of CSO State Financing and Tax Sector”  organized by Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center (TIAC) ​​and European Center for Non-Profit Law (ECNL).

Mr. Mesropyan presented the position of the ALA on the “Draft Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia on Making Changes and Additions to the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia N 1937-N dated 24.12.2003 and Repeal of the Decision N 566-N of the RA Government dated 29.04.2010,” which on 5 November, 2019, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Armenia presented for the public discussion on the  web site. He also touched upon to the problems existing in the process of granting legal entities from the state budget of the Republic of Armenia. He also proposed recommendations on the “Procedure for providing Grants to Non-State Non-Profit Organizations from the State Budget of the Republic of Armenia” elaborated by TIAC.

The discussion of the results of the “Public Policy Monitoring and Improvement” project implemented by the “Development Principles” NGO and the results of the “Transparent and Accessible Public Funds” project implemented by the “NGO Center” Civil Society Development NGO in the scope of the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project implemented by the Armenian Lawyers’ Association and its partner NGOs were presented as well.

Notably, the first of the sub-grant programs mentioned above was aimed at developing, improving and monitoring the evidence based public policy for the non-profit organizations in taxation sector and the second was aimed at promoting the introduction of competitive, more transparent mechanisms for the processes of providing grants, donations, subsidies and delegating services to the non-state non-profit organizations by the state.