A number of businesses have introduced Anti-Corruption Policies in Yerevan and 4 regions of Armenia

The “Armenia: Promoting Anti-Corruption Conduct and Reforms” project was launched in Armenia on 1 October, 2019, and is implemented by The “Center for International Private Enterprise” (CIPE), the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO (ALA), the “Corporate Governance Center” (CGC), and the “Yerevan Chamber of Commerce and Industry” (YerCCI).

The objective of the project is to fight corruption in the business sector, disseminate corporate governance and ethics rules and values ​​in Armenia, and introduce anti-corruption compliance programs in SMEs.

In the frameworks of the project, 26 small and medium-sized enterprises in Yerevan and four regions of Armenia: Lori, Syunik, Gegharkunik and Shirak:

  • have adopted the Declaration Statement for Business Integrity,
  • have introduced Anti-Corruption Policies committing themselves to take action related to the other components of the Anti-Corruption Compliance Program.

You can find the text of the Declaration Statement for Business Integrity and the justification for its introduction here: https://bizprotect.am/en/news/show/226

The anti corruption policy includes regulations on such topics as prohibited conduct, gifts and representative costs, charity, sponsorship, political financing, conflict of interests, due diligence, documentation and reporting, communication and training courses, whistleblowing, internal investigation, responsibility and encouragament. 

The anti corruption policy consists also of 2 additional Annexes.

Annex 1 introduces the concept of “red flags”, that is alerts for organizations to review their business activities and conduct risk assessment process. More information on red flags is available here: https://bizprotect.am/en/news/show/228

Annex 2 provides a certificate on the absense of the conflict of interest.


Here is the list of the companies.

Shirak region:

  •  “Magnon” OJSC, which operates in production of metal things,

  •  “Marina Bazayeva” IE, which is a guesthouse,

  • “Aram Abgaryan” IE, which opeates in breading sphere,

  • “Mariam Atorakalyan” IE, which opeates in food production sphere.

Syunik region:

  • “Zangezur Pro” LLC, which operates in IT sector,

  • “Darist Group” LLC, which is a hotel complex,

  • “Mher Badalyan” IE, which operates in legal services,

  • “New Smile” LLC, which operates in health sector,

  • “Li Dent” LLC, which operates in health sector.

Lori region:

  • “Ruzanna Danielyan” IE, which operates in clothing manufacture sphere,

  • “Yunona Martirosyan” IE, which operates in catering sphere,

  • “Apricot” LLC, which is a social entepreneurship,

  • “Lusine Baratyan” IE, which operates in catering and food production sphere,

  • “Jerutsogh” LLC, which operates in heating equipment manufacturing sphere.

Gegharkunik region:

  • “Yerknayin Manana” LLC, which operates production of confectionery

  • “Bohem” studio teahouse,

  • “NUK” LLC, which is studio teahouse,

  • “Astghavard” LLC, which operates in production sector,

  • “Melkar” LLC, which operates in cadaster mapping sector,

  • “Sareri Bariq” LLC, which is a social entepreneurship.


  • “Cyber ​​Gates” LLC, which operates in IT sector,

  • “Armled” LLC, which is a shopping center,

  • “Best Contract” LLC, which operates in legal sector,

  • “Bitlisman” LLC, which is a power equipment installation,

  • “Arm Wine” LLC, which is an entertainment center,
  • “Mill” LLC, which provides business consulting services.