Consensus of Some Forces is related to having their Piece of Cake in the Corruption Prevention Commission

The National Assembly has adopted in the second reading the draft presented by the NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan, which, with the agreement reached with the political forces, has defined the procedure of election of the members of the Corruption Prevention Commission, the Public Services Regulatory Commission and other independent bodies. 104 deputies voted in favor of the draft, one against it. As a result of the agreement reached with the ruling political force, the opposition parties in the National Assembly have been given the opportunity to become members of the Corruption Prevention Commission.

To the question of the First News  whether the speech is about the commission selected on competitive or non competitive basis, Mr. Karen Zadoyan, President of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association replied, “I have repeatedly mentioned that it is a disgraceful draft and has a lot of vulnerable points. The important issue is the selection of the first composition, because for many years the idea of ​​establishing an institutional system has been circulated in Armenia, and the law on the Corruption Prevention Commission was adopted by the former authorities in our version. There was no competition order provided at the time either, but thanks to our offer and consistent work, the order was introduced.

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