RElection [# 5] The Function of Analyzing Declarations of the Political Party should be performed by the Anti-Corruption Commission: Syuzanna Soghomonyan, Infocom

In an interview with Infocom, Ms Syuzanna Soghomonyan, Lawyer, Member of the Board of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association, touched upon the existing issues in the RA Law on Political Parties and the need for making clear changes for their solution.

According to her, the declarations of property and income submitted by candidates to run in the elections should be examined and analyzed by the Corruption Prevention Commission and not the Central Election Commission. The analysis of declarations requires serious legislative toolkit and professional experience, and the exercise of this function should be left to the specialized body.

Speaking of the stabilization and ideological consolidation of parties, S. Soghomonyan attached importance to the introduction of the institute of return of pre-election pledges for parties that did not receive at least 3% of the votes. The 10 million drams paid as a pledge is immense luxury for newly created and small parties, and on return it can be used to develop the party’s capacity and membership institute to spread ideas.

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