The Medium Term Expenditure Framework for 2020-2022 and the Applications for Budget Financing for 2020 were discussed at the Ministry of Justice

Mr. Karen Zadoyan, President of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association and Chairman of the Committee on State and Legal Affairs of the Public Council of the RA, Mr. Artak Kirakosyan, Chairman of the Support to Probation National Network, Mr. Hovhannes Avetisyan, Expert on Public Finance Management of the project, members of the State and Legal Affairs Committee of the Public Council, representatives of the Association, experts of the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia, Mr. Artak Zeynalya, RA Minister of Justice, the management staff of relevant departments of the Ministry of Justice, and other representatives held a working meeting at the Ministry of Justice in the scope of the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” project.

During the meeting the Medium Term Expenditure Framework for 2020-2022 and the Applications for Budget Financing for 2020 of the Justice Ministry were discussed and some observations on cerement programs were made.

Karen Zadoyan mentioned in his speech that: “In the current context of Armenia, the approach should be systematic and medium-term expenditure framework and applications for budget financing should not automatically repeat the programs presented in previous years. Moreover, they should be based on knowledge and on a strategic basis. “

The participants referred to the provisions of the application submitted by the Ministry of Justice, as well as the expenditures of the programs and their legal justification, and mentioned a number of issues and controversial points.

It was suggested that the amendments should be made in accordance with the pre-approved and mandatory methodological guidelines for the state bodies.