“Welcoming efforts to protect current and future generations from the negative impact caused by the use of tobacco products and tobacco substitutes and harmful effects of tobacco smoke on health, as well as their negative influence on social and economic spheres and the environment,
Stressing the importance of reducing the level of smoking and improving the quality of life in Armenia, as well as initiatives aimed at instilling the perception of smoking among the population as unhealthy and undesirable behavior,
Being convinced that the most important preconditions for healthy population are the anti-smoking initiatives of the States,
The CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia expresses its concern about the RA Draft Law on Reduction and Prevention of Health Damages caused by the Use of Tobacco Products and their Substitutes, which is posted on the Uniform Website for publication of legal acts’ draft – e-draft legal acts, and believes that the mentioned Draft has significant deficiencies and inaccuracies that can lead not only to various interpretations, but also be the source of corruption risks and other difficulties from the point of view of the application of the Law and control. In addition, it can also lead to the loss of confidence in the law by the public, as a result of shortcomings and unequal application.
The Coalition believes that the fight for healthy population should be professional, measurable and clear, and therefore calls on the Ministry of Health to engage public discussions on the Draft and submit to final discussion a finalized draft based on public consent.
The Coalition expresses its readiness to conduct a constructive dialogue, to cooperate for the improvement of the Draft and correction of defined shortcomings, as well as to organize public discussions and provide expert assistance in responding appropriately to the raised issues and concerns.”