If the report presented through Azdararir.am is not about the crime, the Prosecutor General’s Office forward the report to the competent authority within three days: S. Soghomonyan

Ms Syuzanna Soghomonyan, Anti-Corruption Expert/Lawyer of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association, spoke about the whistle-blowing system, types of whistle-blowing, and the anonymous electronic platform for whistle-blowing Azdararir.am, as well as the guarantees for the protection of the rights of whistleblowers, at the “Consumer Hour” program of the Public Radio.

Soghomonyan also attached importance to the amendment according to which in case if the report submitted via electronic anonymous platform is not crime related, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Armenia will forward the hard copy of the report to the competent authority within three days and at the same time notify the reporting person.

According to her, being an expert of the CSO Anti-Coalition of Armenia and the Armenian Lawyers’ Association, which were in the roots of the introduction of whistle-blowing system, it is important to create additional guarantees and mechanisms for the protection of whistleblowers.

Details in the source.