Representative of the CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia delivered lecture at the State University of Milan

The conference on “Social models and crime: fight against corruption and defense of human rights” took place at the State University of Milan on May 16. Mariam Zadoyan, representative of the CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia and Vice President of Armenian Young Lawyers’ Association has also been invited to deliver a lecture on “Fight against corruption in Armenia” during that conference. Professors from Universities from North and Latin America, as well as Italy were among other speakers.

Mariam Zadoyan has presented the national and international instruments to combat corruption in Armenia, mainly the international anti-corruption initiatives where Armenia took part, the overview of both the prevention and policy anti-corruption bodies and law enforcement ones, the overview of the Armenian Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSO’s and it recent reforms, mainly criminalization of illicit enrichment, introduction of mechanisms for protection of whistleblowers, introduction of the institute of beneficial ownership in the public procurement sector, improvement of the system of declarations submitted by public officials and etc. Mariam has also emphasized the advantages and shortcomings of the new Draft Anti-Corruption Strategy.

The findings of the papers presented during the conference are going to be published on the Milan’s State University’s “Society and Law Review”.