Representative of CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia at the High Level Conference dedicated to the EaP Anniversary in Brussels

On 14 May, Mariam Zadoyan, Project Manager at the CSOs Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia, participated in the High-Level Conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership hosted by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker.

The conference brought together Heads of State or Government of the Eastern partner countries, foreign ministers of the EU Member States, civil society representatives, business leaders, young people and journalists from across the 34 countries. High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini, Commissioner Johannes Hahn and Commissioner for Trade, Cecilia Malmström, Prime Ministers of Georgia, Mamuka Bakhtadze, of Moldova, Pavel Filipalso and acting Prime Minister of Ukraine at that moment, Petro Poroshenko also participated in the event.

The conference’s participants discussed the developments of the partnership during this first decade and exchanged views on its future.

Mariam Zadoyan has emphasized that the establishment of the Armenian Anti-Corruption Coalition should be considered as one of the achievements of the last decade of the Eastern Partnership as it has been the front of the anti-corruption fight in Armenia and carried out reforms of criminalization of illicit enrichment, introduction of the mechanisms for protection of whistleblowers and introduction of the institute of beneficial ownership in public procurement and etc. Mariam Zadoyan has noted that the anti-corruption education is a key to success, hence she has proposed to establish an Anti-Corruption Regional Academy for the EaP, similar to EU High School in Georgia.

The speech of Mariam Zadoyan can be found here: (1.41.38)․
The agenda of the conference can be found here:

Photo Credits: Armenian Lawyers’ Association and EU Neighborhood and Enlargement websites.