Representatives of Business Sector can submit Issues of their Concern from the New Platforms

“BizPashtpan» ( ) electronic portal continues to appear in new platforms.

Within the framework of the cooperation between the RA Ministry of Finance and the Armenian Lawyers’ Association, you can also send your questions to “BizProtect” from the website of the Ministry of Finance for procurement, at, as well as on the website of tender documents, procurement contracts and reports

Business representatives can provide anonymous or open information about their concerns and issues. “BizProtect” has already received information on various issues related to procurement that have been properly processed.

Since 2017, a number of issues and violations have been solved with the help of the “BizProtect”.

Notably, through

  • Citizens have the right to submit anonymous claims on their business issues. The application submitted will be completely encoded. Additionally, there are additional secrecy safeguards in use with the “Tor” Internet Browser, and the computer’s IP address will not be disclosed, so no one will be able to disclose the identity of the provider.
  • The information provided after submitting the application on the website will be studied by experts who will respond to the applicant in a timely manner to address the raised issue.
  • Information provided by business representatives can help professionals identify evidence based reforms and reduce bureaucratic failures. Reforms are implemented in the public-private sector dialogue format.
  • Thanks to the site, citizens can get acquainted with the latest business news, such as legislative changes in tax, customs and other sub-sectors. In addition, they may be aware of various business events and more.

Beside all of this, enables state bodies to get signals about business results from business representatives and these signals are important for improving their performance.

More detailed information on “BizProtect” is available here.