75 Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises have joined the New Business Program in Armenia

The “Armenia: Promoting Anti-Corruption Conduct and Reforms” Project, which is implemenrted by the “Center for International Private Enterprise” (CIPE), the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO (ALA), the “Corporate Governance Center” (CGC), and the “Yerevan Chamber of Commerce and Industry” (YerCCI) was launched in Armenia on 1 October.

The objective of the project is to combat corruption in the business sector, to introduce the Anti-Corruption Compliance Standards within the Armenian business community, and implementing Anti-Corruption Compliance Programs in SMEs.

Small and medium-Sized Enterprises in 4 marzes (provinces) of Armenia, Lori , Syunik, GegharkunikShirak as well as in the capital city Yerevan have already joined the program and completed the questionnaire the “Role of Business in the Fight against Corruption: Armenian Reality”.

Below is the statistics on the questionnaires completed by 75 companies from Lori, Syunik, Gegharkunik, Shirak and Yerevan. The statistics provides information on the type of the company, the gender of the head of the company, and the sector of activities.

This study aims to disclose:

  • Private Sector Attitudes towards Corruption,
  • Perception of the private sector of anti-corruption compliance,
  • Measures to be taken and implemented by the private sector to ensure anti-corruption compliance.

Below is the statistics of completed questionnaires, according to the type of the company, the gender of the head of the company, and the sector of activities by each province.

This material has been prepared in the scope of the “Armenia: Promoting Anti-Corruption Conduct and Reforms” Project implemented by the “Center for International Private Enterprise”, the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO, the “Corporate Governance Center” NGO and the “Yerevan Chamber of Commerce and Industry” with financial support of the National Endowment for Democracy. The project is implemented as a co-financing to the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” action implemented with the financial support of the European Union by a Consortium comprising the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO, the “Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS” NGO, the “International Center for Human Development” NGO, the “SME Cooperation Association” NGO, the Union of Communities of Armenia, as well as “Agora Central Europe” NGO (Czech Republic). The contents of this material are the sole responsibility of the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the National Endowment for Democracy and the European Union.

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