Civil Society Organisations in Goris form Coalitions to apply for Sub-Grants

Today, on 13 April, the public policy sub-grant program for CSO coalitions was presented to 19 representatives of civil society organisations Kapan and Goris cities of Syunik marz in the framework of the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project.

At this stage, the first phase of grants for CSO coalitions has been announced.

Mr. Khahik Gevorgyan, Executive Director of the Armenian Center for Democratic Education (SIVITAS) and Mr. Hakob Avagyan, the Executive Director of the Project Partner SME Partnership Association, presented the terms and conditions of application for grants.

It should be noted that the deadline for CSOs to form coalitions and to apply for grants is 30 April.

Organisations can form coalitions beginning with four CSOs, one of which should have previously participated in a five-day training course for CSO capacity building at the American University of Armenia.

Ms Anna Sahakyan, representative of “Goris Press Club” NGO told us that their organisation took part in the training organised at the American University. “Now, thanks to our NGO, an “NGO House” where 9 NGOs are involved, has been established in Goris. Now intend to apply for a sub=grant together.” She also noted that the education was chosen as a preliminary sector.

Carmen Apunts is the Head of Goris Francophones’ Centre, noted the importance of the meeting from the aspect of its effectiveness. “We also are eager to apply for a sub-grant that will further develop the NGO,” Carmen Apunts said. They already have several organisations that are preparing to submit a joint application.

“Since our organisation has participated in the training organised at the American University and is involved in the Incubators of Syunik Marz, we are very interest in it. We have already discussed the issue with whom we want to apply for sub-grant. Notably, our centre has six sister organisations in other regions, and we will clarify the sector with other centres in the nearest future,” Anna Alexanyan, Project Development Manager at Women’s Development Resource Centre Foundation said.

The objective of the Project Grants Component is to build or support the existing CSO Coalitions (Networks) in the 9 target sectors (justice, human rights, public finance management, business, education, social sphere, social inclusion of children with disabilities, agriculture, economy, energy) of the Project, The organisations can also support already existing CSO Coalitions (networks) and thus ensure their increased impact on public policy development, advocacy and public participation in these processes.

It should be noted that Khachik Gevorgyan presented to the participants several technological systems that can facilitate their activities and make them more efficient. These included e-mails and tracking system, Easy Video Chat with quality video calling and more. He advised to pay attention to the organisation’s Twetter page.

Hakob Avagyan presented the latest changes in the NGO law, and presented examples on conducting accurate and systematic accounting. He talked about social entrepreneurship and how NGOs should enter this field as well.

The “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” action is implemented with the financial support of the European Union by a Consortium of civil society organisations, which are “Armenian Lawyers’ Association”, Agora Central Europe o.p.s (an NGO from the Czech Republic), Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS, “International Center for Human Development” Public Organisation, SME Cooperation Association and Union of Communities of Armenia.