There are Problematic Issues in the New NGO Legislation: Training for NGO Representatives

At present, there are over 5,000 non-governmental organizations in Armenia, but few of them are really active. The requirement of the New Law “On Non-Governmental Organizations” is to harmonize the charter of the organizations with the new legislation and its registration at the State Register of the Legal Entities. Mr. Marat Atovmyan, Mentors’ Group Coordinator/Justice and related Sectors Mentor of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project said this at the training organized for the NGO representatives.

Today, more than 10 NGO representatives were introduced the rules of the game provided by the new law, the problems encountered in the new law and ways to avoid them. For example, there are risks in case of involvement in direct business activities. First of all, the NGO representatives were warned that income from business activities should be directed exclusively to the implementation of the statutory objectives of the NGO, and is not subject to distribution within the members or governing body.

“We do not understand legal issues, legal field very easily. And of course, we need help,” Ms Anna Harutyunyna, President of “Ukraine” Federation of Ukrainians of Armenia said highlighting the organization of such trainings.

It should be noted that trainings and free legal consultations are held in Yerevan, Shirak, Syunik, Lori and Gegharkunik regions are conducted in the scope of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project, which is implemented with the financial support of the European Union by the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO in cooperation with its partners; Agora Central Europe o.p.s (an NGO from the Czech Republic), Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS, “International Center for Human Development” Public Organization, SME Cooperation Association and Union of Communities of Armenia.

“There are many gaps in the law, for example, about engaging in entrepreneurial activity. There are also gaps in the tax field, which should be further discussed and resolved,” Ms Tigranuhi Aleksanyan, Founder of “Future in Our Hands” NGO said.

Through the questions and answers the participants raised their concerns and received the necessary answers through discussion at the same time highlighting the need for such events.