Training for NGOs to work Legitimately and without Obstacles

“The training was efficient and well-organized. But there are issues, especially those related to tax marines that are not clarified,” representative of “Habitat for Humanity Armenia” Arthur Mesropyan said speaking about the training organized for representatives of civil society organizations in Yerevan today.

It should be noted that at the beginning of this year the new Law “On Non-Governmental Organizations” came into force, which gives a number of new rights to NGOs and at the same time defines new obligations for them. The training was dedicated to the new legislation.

Miss Armine Chakhalyan, lawyer of the “Commitment Constructive Dialogue” Project presented the important provisions set forth in the new law as well as still vague provisions and problematic issues for the representatives of more than ten NGO

It should be noted that trainings and free legal consultations are held in Yerevan, Shirak, Syunik, Lori and Gegharkunik regions are conducted in the scope of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project, which is implemented with the financial support of the European Union by the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO in cooperation with its partners; Agora Central Europe o.p.s (an NGO from the Czech Republic), Armenian Center for Democratic Education-CIVITAS, “International Center for Human Development” Public Organization, SME Cooperation Association and Union of Communities of Armenia.