ALA Representative Arthur Sukiasyan participated in the Session of the Police Disciplinary Committee

On 5 June, representative of the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” Non Governmental Organization Arthur Sukiasyan participated in the regular session of the RA Police Disciplinary Committee, which was facilitated by Hunan H. Poghosyan, First Deputy Head of the RA Police,
Police Lieutenant General. The heads of Police Headquarter, Internal Security, Legal, Public Safety departments, the Head of State and Legal Department of the RA Government Staff and the representatives of civil society organizations involved in the composition of the Disciplinary Committee.

During the session of the Disciplinary Committee the participants discussed the opinions on findings as a result of service investigation of the activities of some police officers. As a result of discussions, the disciplinary committee decided to apply to the Chief of RA Police with a motion to apply the disciplinary sanction “Release from the Police System” against 5 and apply reprimand against 3 police officers

Photos from the official website of the RA Police.