Methodological Guidelines for Internal Whistleblowing Systems for Local Self-Government Bodies and Private Sector, as well as ‘Your Digital Right to Whistleblowing’ Manual Have Been Developed

The Armenian Lawyers’ Association, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, has developed methodological guidelines for internal whistleblowing systems for Local Self-Government Bodies and private sector organizations within the framework of the nationwide whistleblowing system awareness campaign.

Additionally, “Your Digital Right to Whistleblowing” manual has been compiled, which provides guidance on how to ensure confidential, anonymous reporting while indicating necessary and sufficient conditions for effective investigation of reports.

The guidelines were prepared by “BlowtheWhistle, Armenia” program’s senior anti-corruption experts Mariam Zadoyan and Syuzanna Soghomonyan, with consultation from Armenian Lawyers’ Association President Karen Zadoyan.

1. Methodological Guidelines for Internal Whistleblowing Systems of Local Self-Government Bodies, 

2. Methodological Guidelines for Internal Whistleblowing Systems of Private Sector Organizations, 

3. “Your Digital Right to Whistleblowing” Manual.

Note that whistleblowing is an important tool for detecting corruption cases, conflicts of interest, violations of code of conduct, incompatibility requirements or other restrictions, declaration-related violations, other damages to public interests, reducing and overcoming corruption, and forming public intolerant attitude towards corruption.

However, the process of reporting improper conduct can be concerning if submitted with personal data, but the whistleblower can also submit it anonymously when maintaining anonymity is essential. This manual provides guidance on how to ensure confidential, anonymous reporting while indicating necessary and sufficient conditions for effective investigation of reports.

Details in the links.

This publication has been prepared within the framework of the “BlowtheWhistle, Armenia” project, which is implemented by the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO within the framework of the “Armenia Integrity” project, with generous support from the people of the United States through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

The contents are the responsibility of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the U.S. Government.