Edward Hosikyan does not receive pension in Armenia: He was told to wait as they were buisy

Edward Hosikyan, forcibly displaced from the occupied Republic of Artsakh, said in the framework of “Legal Problems of Artsakh Armenians in Armenia” series of Iravaban.net that he lives in Echmiadzin on a rental basis, the house rent is 200,000 drams. He does not have a job, and was told him to wait.

Like many of the forcibly displaced, he is facing legal problems. He was recieving pension in Artsakh, but currently he does not receive a pension in Armenia.

“I was told to wait, and that I shall receive it later, eh! Later!? When?” The answer was, “We are Busy now come later,” our interlocutor says.


This material has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents are the sole responsibility of the “Armenian Lawyers’ Association” Non-Governmental Organization and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

Details in the video.