Cooperation aimed at the Protection of Human Rights and Implementation of Targeted Measures in Fight against Corruption

“Education plays an important role in the protection of human rights and the fight against corruption. In addition, it is impossible to imagine the organization of education nowadays without modern technologies,” Mr. Karen Zadoyan, President of the ALA said today at the ceremony of signing the Letter of Agreement between the Armenian Lawyers’ Association (ALA) and the Union of Information Technology Enterprises (UITE).

“The agreement is just the beginning. And this cooperation may have tangible results and be a public life changing initiative,” Mr. Karen Vardanyan, President of UITE said.

The cooperation shall be aimed at the protection of human rights and implementation of targeted measures in fight against corruption. Effective tools and mechanisms for the protection of human rights shall be created and introduced, using modern information and security technologies. The efforts aimed at introduction of innovative technological instruments in the curricula of the pre-schools, schools and universities for legal and anti-corruption disciplines shall be unified. Interactive computer games, software and other applications shall be elaborated and developed. They will be designed for the use in phones, pads, computers and other information systems aimed at raising the level of legal education, and legal awareness, including the anticorruption awareness. All these shall be intended for the children, residents of the regional communities as well as for the target groups. The objective is to inform the public about their rights in a possibly accessible way, as well as provide opportunity to participate in the fight against corruption.

It is anticipated to create an interactive map of corruption risks and illicit enrichment by application of the modern security technology solutions (TOR, etc), which technically will ensure the confidentiality of information providers. Every citizen, without revealing identity can provide reliable information about the corruption risks, cases of illegal activities and illegal enrichment, indicating on the map the corresponding settlement, as well as uploading the necessary information verifying the facts, photos, videos, etc. It is expected that authentication of this information will be specified and will be processed by the law enforcement agencies in compliance with the RA legislation.

Thus, in the framework of this cooperation, the organizations shall assist to the protection of the human rights and effective fight against corruption through the modern information technologies, including the creation and introduction of security systems and websites.

By virtue of the agreement other issues of mutual interests shall be solved as well.