The young people presented the analysis of the international experience on the anti-corruption institutional system, legal regulations, and existing gaps

One of the five groups formed in the advanced phase of the Anti-Corruption School for Young Leaders was the Working Group on Anti-Corruption Institutions. The group consisted of young lawyers and programmers from Yerevan and Shirak regions.

The group program was chosen to carry out research work, analysis of international experience on the anti-corruption institutional system, legal regulations, and existing gaps.

According to Sergey Berberyan, the coordinator of the group, one of the main guarantees for the success of the fight against corruption is not only the existence of an effective institutional system, but also the provision of a high level of public awareness about it.

According to the group members, the fight against every state and social evil is crowned with success and fixes its positive result when the public at large has the necessary awareness about the existence, prevalence and effective international mechanisms of the struggle.

“That is why the purpose of our report is to raise the level of public awareness to some extent by providing information reflected in it, which describes the essence of corruption and the experience and results of countries in the international fight against it,” Sergey Berberyan said.

The group managed to prepare a report in due time, including experience in the field of about a dozen countries around the world.

At the event on 9 December – the International Anti-Corruption Day, the members of the group presented the general logic of the report, the main content and their conclusion.

It should be reminded that the program is implemented with the support of the Swedish Government.