The Second Course of Online Training Module on the Internal Capacity Building of the CSOs/CSOs Coalitions has started

Internal capacity building of CSOs/CSOs Coalitions, the new skills and knowledge are the main tools that move the organization forward.

On 15 April, 58 representatives from 53 CSOs and CSOs’ Coalitions, completed the online course of the first stream of the training module on the Internal Capacity Building of the CSOs/CSOs’ Coalitions on the e-learning platform.

It was organized within the framework of the “ALA for Modernization” project implemented by the Armenian Lawyers’ Association and conducted through the e-learning platform created by the ALA within the framework of the EU-funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” (CCD) project..

Currently, the second stage of training has started. 36 participants from 32 non-governmental organizations, 5 participants from 4 foundations, 1 participant from the non-profit union of legal entities, 2 participants from the NGOs in the process of registration, and 3 participants from the initiative group have already registered for the courses in total of 47 people.

The geography of participation on this stream is also as expanded as during the first stream. The participants are representatives from Yerevan city, Syunik, Shirak, Lori, Armavir, Ararat, Tavush, Kotayk and Aragatsotn marzes.

Experts have developed a test quiz on each topic to test the effectiveness of the module. At the same time, the participant will be able to advance to the next subsequent topic only if he/she correctly answers at least 80% of the previous topic-control quiz. After passing all 10 training topics and answering to their control-quizzes, the participant will receive a certificate of completion of the online training module on the Internal Capacity Building of the CSOs/CSOs’ Coalitions.

In addition, considering the current situation in Armenia and worldwide, this online training platform for CSOs will effectively serve to build the internal capacities of CSOs and CSOs’ coalitions, while also ensuring their continuing education.