Recall Institute is an Effective Mechanism of Restraint and Counterbalance between Public and State bodies: Susanna Soghomonyan,

Within the framework of the RElection project, Infocom talked on the topic of local referendums and recall mechanisms with Ms  Susanna Soghomonyan, attorney, Member of Board of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association” NGO.

According to her, holding a local referendum in Armenia and communities in Armenia is not a very common mechanism, despite the fact that it is a direct democracy tool, and it is through this tool that community residents have the right and can directly participate in community governance, including raising issues of public importance, and express a clear position on them.

Referring to the Recall Institute, Ms Soghomonyan believes that the regulations on the institution of recall should be subject to constitutional reform, and that the institution of the recall of officials holding elective office should be introduced in Armenia. To this end, it is necessary to have conceptual clauses to understand whether we will apply the recall institutie to officials or to institutions as well.

Details in the source website.