“Slapdash” Changes are unacceptable and worrisome both from the Point of View of Fight against Corruption as well as Good Governance and Integrity  

Mr. Marat Atovmyan, Expert/Lawyer of the Armenian Lawyers’ Association, in the interview to Past.am spoke about the recent initiatives of the RA legislative and executive authorities on anti-corruption institutions, touched upon the Draft Law “On Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Corruption Prevention Commission” and the Anti-Corruption Policy Council.

“Currently the Draft Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Armenia and its Implementation Action Plan for 2019-2022 is under the discussion. It is planned to create Anti-Corruption Court and Anti-Corruption Committee. In general, it is planned to create several entities that will form the institutional anti-corruption system in Armenia. But the problem is that in this case we will again have a decentralized model, which we traditionally had and which was ineffective. Thus it is more expedient to create a universal anti-corruption body, which will combine three directions of fight against corruption, disclosure of corruption crime, anti-corruption education and corruption prevention mechanisms. The current government is not yet ready for such solution. Whether in the previous government, or the current one, the preference is given to the decentralized system, which, in my opinion, will not be effective,” Marat Atovmyan said.

Details in Past.am website