Another 2 NGOs joined the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia: The Session of the Governing Board took place

On 21 May, 2019, the regular session of the Governing Board of the CSO Anti-Corruption coalition of Armenia was held. Mr. Arkadi Sahakyan, Chairman of the Governing Board presided at the session.

The meeting considered and discussed the applications for membership of two non-governmental Organisations. Presidents of these two NGOs: “Armash” Rural Community Support and Development Center and Tukhmanuk Human Rights and Education Center, Mr. Tigran Matevosyan and Ms Mariam Chakhoyan respectively, were invited to participate in the session. Based on the results of the discussion, the Governing Council decided to approve the membership of the two organisations to the Coalition.

One of the issues on agenda was the presentation of the work of the Commission on Transitional Justice of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia and discussion of the upcoming tasks. Mr. Movses Aristakesyan, Chairman of the Committee, reported the matter.

As a result of the discussions, it was decided to approve the structure of the commission, the main directions of the activities and the forthcoming tasks. Mr. Karen Zadoyan, Coordinator of the Secretariat of CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition, emphasised the importance of participation of the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition and the Armenian Lawyers’ Association in the parliamentary hearings on the topic “Prospects for the application of the tools of transitional justice in Armenia” to be held on 24 May. Mr. Zadoyan also mentioned that the President of the RA National Assembly had invited him to participate as a rapporteur and present the report of the IRA on the topic “The Applicability of Transitional Justice Mechanisms in Armenia in the light of International Experience” as the main rapporteur. The Governing Council highlighted the participation in parliamentary hearings from the aspect that this public discussion will enable the Coalition to present its position and agenda on the ways and mechanisms for the implementation of transitional justice in Armenia. The Governing Council also discussed the possibility that the Coalition is ready to assist and provide expert support to the executive, legislative and judicial authorities of the Republic of Armenia in elaborating concepts of transitional justice in the Republic of Armenia.

The Governing Council also discussed the work of the Committee on the Development of the membership Institute for the Advancement of the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia and its future plans.  Mr. Gevorg Grigoryan Chairman of the Commission presented the question. He presented to the Attention of the Governing Board the key criteria developed by the Commission on the basis of which the development of the Coalition membership institute will take place.

Other issues were discussed during the meeting of the Governing Council as well.