Europe Day in Yerevan; Strong Europe makes Armenia Stronger: Piotr Świtalski

On 26 May, the one-month series of “Europe Day 2019” celebrations ended at the North Avenue.

The celebrations started with Nordic walking, in which about 500 participants were registered. An informational exhibition dedicated to Europe Day was held at Northern Avenue, followed by an open-air concert at Liberty Square.

During the informational exhibition the multilateral projects implemented by the European Union in Armenia on human rights, justice, agriculture, culture, education, business support, civil society, etc, were presented.

The Armenian Lawyers’ Association, which currently is implementing the EU funded “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue”  project, in a consortium with  Agora Central Europe (NGO based in the Czech Republic), the Armenian Centre for Democratic Education-CIVITAS, the International Centre for Human Development, the SME Cooperation Association and the Union of Communities of Armenia participated in the event as well.

The project aims to enhance the influence of civil society organisations (CSOs) and CSO coalitions/networks on public policies in Armenia. This will allow organisations that are already working in sectoral coalitions to access additional resources, new groups of civil society experts to come together and encourage place their causes on the local and national policy agenda, to identify common concerns and priorities and approach government bodies with constructive and strategic policy engagement initiatives..

“We believe that Armenia is a member of a large family of Europe. Europeans elect the next parliament today. We hope that after the elections Europe will become stronger because it is vital for the whole world. Strong Europe makes Armenia stronger,” Piotr Świtalski said.

The Ambassador walked in the pavilions with the citizens. The Europe Day event was crowded, as every year.

Details in the video